
Saqib Salahuddin

IRC Research  Fellow

Translational Medical Device Laboratory
National University of Ireland Galway

Saqib Salahuddin received his BSc degree in Computer Engineering from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan (with High Honours) in 2007 and his MSc degree in Microelectronics Systems Design from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom in 2009. He is currently working towards his PhD at National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. She has been with the Translational Medical Device Laboratory at National University of Ireland Galway since 2014.

He was Lecturer in Electrical Engineering Department at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan from 2007 to 2014 and a research member of COMVIS (Computer Vision Research Group) from 2011 to 2014. His research interests include Embedded Systems, Robotic Vision, Optimization Algorithms, and electromagnetics. He works on dielectric metrology of biological tissues.

Saqib Salahuddin is an active member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the MiMed TD1301 Cost Action (Accelerating the Technological, Clinical and Commercialisation Progress in the Area of Medical Microwave Imaging), and the EMF-MED BM1309 Cost Action (European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications).

  • Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) Grant (August 2016)
  • Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) Grant (March 2015)
  • Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship (2014 – 2018)
  • DAAD Research Internship Grant (January 2013)
  • Fully funded Postgraduate Scholarship (2008 – 2009)
  • Institute Gold Medal for securing second position in undergraduate among all six campuses of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (July 2007)
  • Campus Silver Medal (March 2007)
  • Undergraduate Scholarship by HEC Pakistan (2003 – 2007)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications (first-authored)

[1] S. Salahuddin, E. Porter, F. Krewer, M. Glavin, E. Jones, R. Dwyer, M. Kerin and M. O’Halloran,“Optimised Analytical Models of the Dielectric Properties of Biological Tissue,” Medical Engineering & Physics, vol. 43, pp. 103-111, 2017.

[2] S. Salahuddin, E. Porter, P. M. Meaney, and M. O’Halloran, “Effect of Logarithmic and Linear Frequency Scales on Parametric Modelling of Tissue Dielectric Data,” Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, vol. 3, no. 1, 2017.

[3] S. Salahuddin, M. O’Halloran, L. Farrugia, J. Bonello, P. S. Wismayer, C. V. Sammut and E. Porter, “Effects of Standard Coagulant Agents on the Dielectric Properties of Fresh Human Blood,” IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2017.

 Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications (first-authored & presented)

[1] S. Salahuddin, L. Farrugia, C. V. Sammut, M. O’Halloran, and E. Porter, “Dielectric Properties of Fresh Human Blood,” in International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2017.

[2] S. Salahuddin, A. La Gioia, M. Adnan Elahi, E. Porter, M. O’Halloran, and A. Shahzad, “Comparison of In-vivo and Ex-vivo Dielectric properties of Biological Tissues,” in International Conference on Electromagnetics and Advanced Applications, Verona, Italy, 2017.

 Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications (co-authored)

[1] E. Porter, A. La Gioia, S. Salahuddin, S. Decker, A. Shahzad, M. A. Elahi, M. O’Halloran, O. Beyan, “Minimum information for dielectric measurements of biological tissues (MINDER): A framework for repeatable and reusable data,” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Article ID: e21201, 2017.

 Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications (co-authored)

[1] M. R. Karim, M. Heinrichs, L. C. Gleim, M. Cochez, E. Porter, A. La Gioia, S. Salahuddin, M. O’Halloran, S. Decker, and O. Beyan, “Towards a FAIR Sharing of Scientific Experiments: Improving Discoverability and Reusability of Dielectric Measurements of Biological Tissues,” in Proc. 10th International Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences (SWAT4LS), Rome, Italy, Dec. 4-7, 2017.

[2] A. La Gioia, S. Salahuddin, E. Porter and M. O’Halloran, “Impact of radial heterogeneities of biological tissues on dielectric measurements,” in International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2017.

[3] S M Ali, C A Mehmood, S. Salahuddin, et al. “Micro-controller based smart electronic voting machine system,” IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT), 2014.

[4] C A Mehmood, R. Nasim, S M Ali, S. Salahuddin, et al., “Robust Speed Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Fractional Order Control,” IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT), 2014.

[5] SM Ali, CA Mehmood, A Khawja, R Nasim, M Jawad, S Usman, S Khan, S. Salahuddin, et al., “Statistical weather data analysis for wide area smart grid operations,” IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT), 2014.

[6] S Usman, S Khan, SM Ali, CA Mehmood, R Nasim, M Jawad, S. Salahuddin, et al., “Optimization of resource allocation using Monte Carlo,” IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT), 2014.

[7] SM Ali, A Rashid, CA Mehmood, R Nasim, M Jawad, S Usman, S Khan, S. Salahuddin, et al., “A survey of energy potential in Pakistan for smart grid implementation,” IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT), 2014.


[1] S. Salahuddin, “Implementation of an AVR Multi Core System with Multiple Interrupt Support,” Master’s Thesis, Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Southampton University, Southampton, UK, 2009.

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